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Before the tile installation begins, the wood needs to be prepped for the installation. This could include checking for flatness or making sure the surface in bondable. This course will review the requirements for wood before the tile installation begins.
Before the tile installation begins, the concrete needs to be prepped for the installation. This could include checking for flatness or making sure the surface in bondable. This course will review the requirements for concrete before the tile installation begins.
This course introduces the learner to underlayment mats, how they are different from other membranes, and how they are installed.
Vapor barriers limit the flow of moisture and vapor through them. This course reviews products that are considered vapor barriers, how they are tested, and where they are used.
Introduction to ANSI standards, the TCNA Handbook, and the NTCA Reference Manual. These books are the backbone for the tile industry methods and standards.
In this course, we will discuss: how environmental conditions affect the proper selection of installation methods and products.· Best practices for each stage of a project related to environmental conditions· Controlling the environment during the installation and key safety topics.